Monday, May 14, 2007

Dancing... with me on HIS feet!

It's the first time I dance on somebody's feet... haha~ granted it's feels silly, with me stepping on his feet, swaying to the music... sweet and good kinda silly~ haha! *grinZ*

Monday, May 07, 2007


Chocolates now have a totally new meaning to me... ;)

Today, one of my frens, being a Mr NICE GUY, delivered chocolates to me at my office personally... just to cheer me up... awww~ how nice is that?!? *griNz*

Rick: Din know you're so full of surprises~! ;)

It's a girl thing... it makes me happy and touched... :)

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Sign of my True Love: CANCER

Your True Love Is a Cancer

Why you'll love a Cancer:

Cancer's loyal and sincere heart makes your own sensitive heart melt.
Caring and devoted, a Cancer will take the lead in pursuing you - and not give up!

Why a Cancer will love you:

You're laid back enough to deal with Cancer's little mood swings and freak-outs.
A fellow homebody, you know how make Cancer comfortable and at home with you.

hmmmm... true but also not so true... I always fall in love with a Cancer, and then we'll be very happy together, have lots of happy memories and then it will end. -_-"

e y e w a t e r by alley bell

Where do tears come from
right before they leave your eyes?
Do they come from the heart?
or a secret place in the mind?

I've noticed your tears are clear
Oh so pure, but salty like sweat.
Clean like water, but burns like poison.

I've noticed tears are full of emotion.
a mixture of joy or of sadness
a mixture of hate or of madness

Did you ever notice that tears are hot?
like boiling water from a bubbling pot.
Or like a stream flowing downwards
right from the mountain top?

I've noticed tears are like waterfalls
Each makes a splash...
One falls into with no sound
One falls with a crash.

Have you ever noticed?
Tears have meaning?
From suicide notes
to mothers holding their new born babies...


Thursday, May 03, 2007

Post Abortion Grief - The Emotional Effects

In the weeks and months after the abortion, feelings of sadness and guilt often threaten to overwhelm the post-abortion woman, yet society offers her no assistance in mourningÑshe is expected to be grateful that "her problem is solved" and to "get on with her life" as though nothing significant had happened.

At the same time, pain and bleeding remind her of the assault on her body, the sudden endocrine changes cause her to become emotionally labile or unstable. She is poignantly aware of the date her child would have been born. Reminders threaten her defensive denial and repression all too frequently: anniversaries of her abortion, other children of the age her child would have been, Mother's Day, the omni-present abortion debate in the media, a visit to the gynecologist, the sound of the suction machine at the dentist's office, or the sound of a vacuum cleaner at home, a baby in a television ad, a new pregnancy, a death in the family, a film depicting prenatal development or abortion, or a pro-life homily. Any of these may trigger a sudden flood of grief, guilt, anger and even despair, which in turn, calls forth even more intense defensive responses.

The post-abortion woman's attempts to comply with society's expectations that she proceed with her life as though she had undergone an innocuous procedure are bought at great personal expense. She may turn to alcohol or drugs to get to sleep at night or to deaden the pain of the intrusive thoughts, which haunt her day and night, "I killed my baby! I killed my baby! I don't deserve to live!" Flashbacks to the abortion procedure may occur at any time.

She may throw herself into intense activityÑwork, study, or recreation, or attempt to deal with her feelings of loneliness and emptiness by binge eating alternating with purging or anorexia, or by intense efforts to repair intimate relationships or develop new ones inappropriately, becoming sexually promiscuous, risking sexually transmitted diseases, and repeating pregnancy and abortion. Complaints of vague abdominal pain or pain on sexual intercourse may cause her to seek medical treatment from one physician after another unsuccessfully, and the very examinations to which she is subjected may cause flashbacks to the abortion experience.

Her life spirals downward as her general health, personal relationships and job performance become more and more impaired. Discouragement, despair, clinical depression and suicide attempts often follow.3 Typically, in presenting symptoms over a period of many years, she is treated by numerous physicians and mental health professionals without ever receiving help for the root cause of her problems, her abortion or abortions. Psychiatric textbooks subsume all of the above symptoms under the diagnosis of a Pathological Grief Reaction.
