Thursday, July 14, 2005


yesterday morning, i went to this interview at Amoy St with this company called FulFord Public Relations. My fren, Shirley introduced me this promoter job - it is to promote a website for Beautiful People It's quite an interesting concept actually.

This website is a place for beautiful people to network. It is exclusive to beautiful people ONLY... Who decides who will be in this exclusive "club"?? They are the members themselves. Being beautiful themselves and already gained access to the club, they will get to vote each new applicant and eventually the votes will tell whether the applicant is consider beautiful and fit to join this exclusive club... a very daring and controversial idea!

But i personally feel that once they start to charge, it's juz be another online community site tat will eventually fail... Singapore's community is too small to form this kinda exclusive club. The culture is not like Denmark, UK and US. Over here, the beautiful people are already friends, and they mostly all hang out at Velvet Underground already~ who needs to network further using a website?!?! =P

If these next few weeks, someone walk over to you and pass you the card above tat says "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. But are you prepare to put it to the test?" It's most probably me or my colleagues~ pls take the card and be gracious abt the compliment tat we're giving you, coz we're told to be very selective and only beautiful people gets the card. LoL~

i wonder if i'm not working for this website, will they actually pass me this card on the streets? hmmm.... i'll definitely join the website and see whether i'll be voted in, or kicked out~ hahahahahaha!!

later in the evening i'll be working for this job from 7pm - 10pm... Hope it'll be fun coz now i have the perfect excuse to walk up to good-looking guys and talk to them~ muahaahaa~!!

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